Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Insurance for the Gum Industry? There's Coverage Every Chomp of the Way!

"I chew gum because it distracts me from eating and helps curb my appetite."
Those that think chewing gum can be used as an aid to dieting or to maintain proper food consumption, may have another thing coming to them. According to studies, the gains, made by the associated reduction of hunger, is mitigated by the resulting ingestion of less nutritious foods than non gum-chewers. Results of research in fact show that gum chewers are more prone to eat junk food, such as potato chips and candy. The junk food preference may well be the after-effects of the common gum mint flavor that causes fruit and vegetable to taste bitter.
Desperately need that stick of gum? Check out these suggestions to curb food cravings and relieve life's stress; they may just be the perfect substitute!
To reduce food cravings:
• Drink more water
• Exercise
• Don't skip breakfast
• Eat wholesome, protein-rich small meals, frequently, instead of three large daily meals
• Satisfy yourself with tea
To relieve life's stress:
• Eat wholesome foods and don't skip breakfast
• Enjoy a hot glass of chamomile or green tea
• Take a brisk walk
• Exercise
• Refresh yourself with a drink of water
• Catch a brief catnap
• Use relaxing breathing techniques
Who created gum in the first place?
Incredible as it seems, the concept of gum dates back at least to the time of the Greek Empire when people would chew on resin from the mastic tree, named specifically because of the chomping that it provided for humans. Back then, the activity served dually as a tooth-cleaning exercise and a breath freshener. Later, The New England colonists learned the art of spruce resin gum chewing from the Native Americans that they encountered.
Like many innovations, contemporary chewing gum is a product of a business manufacturing gaffe.
In 1869, the exiled previous Mexican president, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, lived in Staten Island. Hearing the rumors about latex derived from a tree in Yucatan that might be rubber's counterpart, he decided to try his luck in the venture despite any potential risks or liability losses that the undertaking might have. After purchasing a massive amount, he hired the inventor, Thomas Adams, to process it. Unfortunately, there was no insurance coverage policy that protected either de Santa Anna or Adams. Not only did the assignment fail, it left poor Adams with a surplus of 'useless' material.
Then, Adams detected some notable qualities in the substance. In its dried form, the latex was insoluble in water; in addition, it was fairly plastic. Placing it in his mouth, Adams discovered a chewable pleasure, likened to the paraffin matter sold in drug stores of the times.
In 1871, the 'failed' inventor patented his gum, ultimately adding flavors that forwarded his brand. Adam's gum became a genuine sensation when the Wrigley Company expanded the popularity with advertising.
Despite the success that developed until today, you can bet your bottom dollar that Wrigley's currently has the necessary general liability, business insurance and commercial auto insurance that protect their booming enterprise from lawsuits, claims, and so on.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/M_Wyzanski/2158115

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9202103


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